Professional Beauty India is organized by the elite international team of the Trade exhibition group, which has more than 30 years of experience in Beauty and SPA business in the UK. The logo of "Professional Beauty" has been exhibited in the UK, South Africa and India. India is a vast country with a large population and one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Beauty Professional exhibition is held annually in mumbai, the largest city in the southwest of India, and new Delhi, the capital of the northeast of India. The fruitful performance of PB exhibition in India has been recognized by the industry as the largest and most important international B2B trade exhibition in south Asian countries. Over the past three years, the company has presented the latest beauty trends, displayed mainstream products and published new products. Focusing on business orientation and meeting the needs of enterprises, the exhibition enables exhibitors interested in expanding their business in India to meet new customers, establish brands in the Indian market and obtain OEM orders. Fair site to complete considerable transactions, the biggest contribution lies in the exhibitors to get acquainted with new business partners, after the exhibition continue to negotiate and then reach a deal.