Insights From Suppliers

How is the Permanent Makeup Industry? An insight from local expert.

How is the Permanent Makeup Industry? An insight from local expert.
Guangzhou Goochie Medical Technology Company overseas market business accounts for 75% of the company’s total business. More than 400 distributors worldwide operate three major international brands, GOOCHIE, MASTOR, PM and OEM/ODM/OBM. In the year of 2017, the number of OEM processing orders reached as many as 300 brands. Company invest funds to focus on brand advertising abroad and promote Chinese original brand worldwide. In order to launch regularly two to three original models every year, Goochie has the first expensive 3D proofing machine internally. Originality and innovation are the core of Goochie’s continuous development.

BEAUTYSOURCING: Can you predict the current trend of the permanent makeup industry?

There is no genuine trend in the development of the permanent makeup industry from ancient times to the present. The difference between this industry and other industries is its professionalism and safety. The trend of this industry comes from the birth of new technology and product replacement. This depends on the solid skills of permanent makeup teachers and the development of technical products by permanent makeup companies. At the same time, in the first 40 years of the development of the industry, few companies focus on making brands. I think the industry is still in the stage of development. The future trend is that more companies will focus on building brands.

BEAUTYSOURCING: How has Goochie become a benchmark enterprise in the permanent makeup industry?

Goochie has developed in the industry for 24 years, and has experienced ups and downs. I think it is necessary to set up a benchmark enterprise in this industry. First of all, professionals who enter the industry must have certain industry thresholds. They need to have professional skills and knowledge of skin structure, aesthetics, laws and regulations etc. Goochie began to make standards more than ten years ago to establish a systematic standardized and professional brand product development. It created a medical-grade standard and insist on originality. Meanwhile Goochie protects global channel distributors in a manner that complies with laws and regulations. We do this is to help global practitioners to have a good development in this industry.

BEAUTYSOURCING: How do you analyze the current status of Chinese permanent makeup companies?

At present, more than 95% of the brand companies in China's permanent makeup industry have no product records, and the products are sold through conferences. The industry is chaotic, and it needs to be standardized. The permanent makeup industry will never end, but it requires professional technology to build up, and systemic laws and regulations to support. How to move towards a better future, and how to legalize products, these are what every enterprise in the industry needs to think about deeply.

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